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Latest News and Events

Posted: April 17th, 5:33 pm

FESTA FAMILJA – TRIQ QIGĦAN An event for all the family to celebrate the opening of ‘Triq Qigħan’ prominade. Traditional street games for children (5pm to 6pm), bouncy castles and entertainment by Loredana and Albert-Lauren Agius. Free Popcorn for children! See you all this Saturday from 5pm to 8pm!

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Posted: April 17th, 7:00 am

⚠️ Power cut possible on Thursday⚠️Some areas of Għajnsielem may experience a power disruption due to maintenance work being carried out by Enemalta on Thursday, the 18th of April, anytime between the hours of 8.30am and 2.30pm:TRIQ IL- GUDJA, TRIQ MALTA, TRIQ PATRI FRANGISK CAUCHI, TRIQ PATRI ODORIK GRIMA, TRIQ KEMMUNETT, TRIQ RAYMOND CARUANA, TRIQ TA’ WIED MARTIN and TRIQ FILFLA.

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Posted: April 13th, 7:24 am

⚠️ Power cut possible on Sunday ⚠️We have been informed by Enemalta that due to maintenance works, there may be electricity supply interruptions in (or in parts of) the following areas Sunday 14th April from 8.00am till 11.30am: PJAZZA TAD DEHRA , TRIQ FUQ IL-GHAJN , TRIQ IL- GAWWI , TRIQ GUZEPPI CALI’ , TRIQ SIMIRAT , TRIQ BENGHAZI , TRIQ WIED IR-RAJJES , TRIQ IC- CIEF

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Posted: April 12th, 7:44 am

⚠️Qigħan ‘Festa Familja’ event postponed to next Saturday 20th April due to high winds.

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Posted: April 11th, 7:12 am

Reminder this Sunday!

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Posted: April 10th, 4:36 pm

🇲🇹INAWGURAZZJONI PROĠETT QIGĦANIllum fiż-żona magħrufa bħala ‘Tat-Torri’ ġie uffiċjalment inawgurat il-proġett ta’ tisbieħ ta’ Triq Qigħan. Dan ġie inawgurat mill-Ministru għal Intern, is-Sigurta u x-Xoghol Byron Camilleri, il-Ministru għal Għawdex u l-Ippjanar Clint Camilleri u s-Sindku Kevin Cauchi. B’investiment ta’ aktar minn €120,000 minn skema tal-LESA u Kunsill Reġjonali Għawdex, dan il-proġett jinkludi diversi xogħolijiet fosthom twessih tal-bankina b’tul ta’ 500 metru sabiex tinkludi spazju ġdid maħluq u ddedikat għal bankijet, open mini library, siġar, dawl dekorattiv u disinni tal-możajk, żieda fl-aċċessibilta permezz ta’ rampi, immaniġjar aħjar tal-parkeġġ u bini ta hitan tradizzjonali ġodda. B’hekk inħoloq verament spazju ġdid u miftuħ li jista jitgawda mill-kommunita’ tagħna.🇬🇧QIGĦAN PROJECT INAGURATED Today, in the area known as ‘Tat-Torri’, the embellishment work project in ‘Triq Qigħan’ was officially inaugurated. The project was inaugurated by the Minister for Home Affairs, Security and Employment Byron Camilleri, the Minister for Gozo and Planning Clint Camilleri and Mayor Kevin Cauchi. With an investment of more than €120,000 from LESA and the Gozo Regional Council, this project includes the widening of 500 meters sidewalk with benches, an open mini library, trees, decorative lighting and mosaic works, increased accessibility through rampways, better parking management and building of new traditional rubble walls. The aim of this project is to create a new open space which can be enjoyed by our residents whilst fostering a sense of community.

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Posted: April 9th, 3:53 pm

🇲🇹 Bi pjaċir inħabbru li dalgħodu ġie ffirmat Memorandum ta’ Ftehim (MoU) bejn il-Kunsill Lokali Għajnsielem, il-Kurja Veskovili t’Għawdex u l-Paroċċa t’Għajnsielem sabiex il-Kunsill ikun jista jwettaq xogħol ta’ tisbiħ fil-Misraħ tal-Knisja fi Pjazza Madonna ta’ Loreto. Permezz ta’ dan il-ftehim storiku, il-pjazza tagħna se tingħata dehra mill-isbaħ permezz ta’ pavimentar, dawl, bankijiet u tisbieħ iehor li jirrispetta l-ambjent tal-Knisja Arċipretali filwaqt li jkompli jsebbaħ lil Għajnsielem.Nixtiequ nirringrazzjaw lil E.T. Isqof ta’ Għawdex Anton Teuma, lis-Segretarju Amministrattiv tal-Kurja Anthony Bezzina u lil Arċipriet Kan. Frankie Bajada tal- kooperazzjoni sħiħa tagħhom sabiex dan il-proġett tant mixtieq mill-poplu Għajnselmiż isir realtà.———————–🇬🇧We are pleased to announce that a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed today between the Għajnsielem Local Council, the Gozo Curia and the Għajnsielem Parish so that the Council can carry out embellishment work in Our Lady of Loreto Square church parvis. Through this historic agreement, our square will be upgraded with new pavement works, illumination, benches and other embellishment works which will respect the beautiful church surroundings whilst continuing to make Għajnsielem centre a more beautiful and welcoming place! We would like to thank Bishop of Gozo Anton Teuma, the Administrative Secretary of the Gozo Curia Anthony Bezzina and Għajnsielem Archpriest Can. Frankie Bajada for their full cooperation so that this project which is much desired by the Għajnselmiżi becomes a reality.

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Posted: April 8th, 7:09 pm

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