Contact Us
We are ready to help you!
Get in touch with us!
Please to not hesitate to contact us if you have any query related with the locality of Ghajnsielem or the services that we offer. We are eager to receive your comments, suggestions or complaints.
You can also use this form to report vandalism, street lighting problem or to request a bulky refuse service. When reporting a burnt-out lamp please include the 3 digit reference number placed on most lamps (e.g. W013/60).
- Address: Ghajnsielem Local Council Office - J. F de Chambray Street, Ghajnsielem, Gozo. MALTA. GSM1051
- Phone : +356 21561515
- Fax : +356 21560909
- Email : ghajnsielem.lc@gov.mt
Website : www.ghajnsielemlc.com
The administrative office's opening hours are as follows:
(from 16th June to 30th September) Monday to Friday from 07.30am to 1.00pm Saturday from 8.00am to 11.00am
(from 1st October to 15th June) Monday to Friday from 07.45am to 4.00pm Saturday from 8.00am to 11.00am